How to afford a house as a single person?

Purchasing property is a daunting endeavour, especially for singles, particularly those who have previously cohabited and shared costs. However, this shouldn’t be a deterrent.

In this blog, we provide essential tips and considerations for singles looking to buy a new home or investment property.

Remain Debt-free

Before considering a home loan application or making an offer on a property, it’s crucial to settle any high-interest debts, such as credit cards. It’s also wise to pay off other obligations, like car loans. Eliminating debt can improve your chances of securing a better home loan and free up funds for mortgage payments. Keep in mind, as a single person, your debts are solely your responsibility, so you must be capable of managing all loans in your name.

Government Schemes

Several government grants and schemes are available to Australian home buyers, making it worthwhile to research these options before committing to a specific property. Utilizing programs like the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme, First Home Super Saver Scheme, Family Home Guarantee Scheme (FHG), or First Home Owner Grant (FHOG), along with stamp duty concessions, can lead to significant savings. The availability of these grants and schemes varies by state.

Explore guarantor home loans

Saving for a home loan can be challenging for a couple, and even more so for a single person. Fortunately, many of Australia’s major banks and lenders provide guarantor home loans for close relatives who wish to help their family purchase property. With a guarantor loan, they don’t need to give you money directly. Instead, they can use the equity in their home as security for part or all of your deposit. Having a guarantor allows you to have a minimal deposit and avoid paying Lenders’ Mortgage Insurance. This type of loan can save you time, but it’s crucial to understand the risk to your family.

Explore joint mortgages

Being single doesn’t mean you have to purchase a home by yourself. You can choose to enter a joint venture with a family member or friend, specifying ownership percentages. It’s crucial to document all arrangements and establish appropriate rental agreements if one party will live in the property.

Explore mortgage and income protection insurances

Mortgage protection insurance safeguards you if you’re unable to repay your home loan due to events like unemployment, critical illness, or injury. Income protection insurance covers a portion of your lost income if you’re unable to work due to a disability from illness or injury. Although these insurances come with a cost, they provide peace of mind for a single person with mortgage repayments relying solely on their income-generating ability.

Spend Less

In addition to debts, banks assess your daily expenses when evaluating your eligibility for a home loan. Begin reducing your everyday costs at least three months before applying. Expenses like takeaways, barista-made coffees, beauty treatments, and ride-shares or taxis can quickly add up and impact your ability to service a home loan. Developing a habit of self-sufficiency and saving will benefit you in the long run when it comes to repaying your home loan. injury. Although these insurances come with a cost, they provide peace of mind for a single person with mortgage repayments relying solely on their income-generating ability.

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